There’s no place like home, 100x80cm., acrylic on canvas
Countryside, 80x80cm., acrylic on canvas
Walking By, 100x150cm., acrylic on canvas
Bubble Gum, 145x95cm, acrylic on canvas
Yellow swimsuit, 150x100cm. , acrylic on canvas
Proud, 80x80cm, acrylic on canvas
Close your eyes and make a wish. 100x80cm, acrylic on canvas
Flowers, 100x80cm. , acrylic on canvas
Close your eyes and make a wish. 130x90cm, acrylic on canvas
Close your eyes and make a wish. 120x100cm, acrylic on canvas
Close your eyes and make a wish. 120x100cm, acrylic on canvas
I do not hear orders, 100x80cm. acrylic on canvas
What are all these stripes in the air?, 150x100cm. acrylic on canvas
nowadays, cigarettes and alcohol aren ́t the only toxins around anymore....... , 80x80cm. acrylic on canvas
The red coat , 150x100cm. acrylic on canvas
"If the people have no bread, wheat or gas, let them eat cake.” — Marie Antoinette , 120x100cm. acrylic on canvas
I do not speak orders, 150x140cm. acrylic on canvas
"I know what you did last December” , 180x140cm. acrylic on canvas
nowadays, cigarettes and alcohol aren ́t the only toxins around anymore....... , 150x140cm. acrylic on canvas
If the people have no bread, wheat or gas, let them eat cake.” — Marie Antoinette , 150x140cm. acrylic on canvas
being outside , 150x100cm. acrylic on canvas
nowadays, cigarettes and alcohol aren ́t the only toxins around anymore....... , 120x100cm. acrylic on canvas
nowadays, cigarettes and alcohol aren ́t the only toxins around anymore....... , 100x80cm. acrylic on canvas
"If the people have no bread, wheat or gas, let them eat cake.” — Marie Antoinette , 100x150cm. acrylic on canvas
I do not hear orders, 65x54cm. acrylic on canvas
music , 80x80cm. acrylic on canvas
one baby horse 1, 30x20cm., acrylic on canvas
nowadays, cigarettes and alcohol aren ́t the only toxins around anymore....... , 100x80cm. acrylic on canvas
My Heart , 150x140cm. acrylic on canvas
"If the people have no bread, wheat or gas, let them eat cake.” — Marie Antoinette , 100x150cm. acrylic on canvas
Blue shirt , 65x54cm. , acrylic on canvas
modern dance , 80x60cm., acrylic on canvas
The blue ball , 150x100cm. , acrylic on canvas
Dance, 70x50cm., acrylic on canvas
On the sunny side of the street (The dark is behind..) , 135x95cm , acrylic on canvas
Red , 100x80cm , acrylic on canvas
Orange , 100x80cm , acrylic on canvas
Green, 100x80cm , acrylic on canvas
Angelika 1 , 80x80cm , acrylic on canvas
Angelika 2 , 80x80cm , acrylic on canvas
Vittoria , 150x100cm , acrylic on canvas
fallow deer , 100x80cm , acrylic on canvas
mom and baby , 100x150cm , acrylic on canvas
Horse , 80x80cm , acrylic on canvas
CRISS CROSS 2 , 65x54cm , acrylic on canvas
CRISS CROSS 4 , 100x70cm , acrylic on canvas
brand new , 100x120cm , acrylic on canvas
CRISS CROSS 3 , 50x50cm , acrylic on canvas
CRISS CROSS 1 , 54x65cm , acrylic on canvas
CRISS CROSS 5 , 100x80cm , acrylic on canvas
under the tree, on the grass , 80x80cm , acrylic on canvas
Spring , 80x80cm , acrylic on canvas
At home , 50x40cm , acrylic on canvas
Sara , 130x90cm , acrylic on canvas
Last night! , 80x80cm , acrylic on canvas
my favorite green dress , 80 x 80cm. , acrylic on canvas
Have to go... , 60 x 50cm. , acrylic on canvas
Dancing alone, 135x95cm, acrylic on canvas
book store, 120x100cm , acrylic on canvas
Renate , 80x80cm , acrylic on canvas
Well..... , 40x30cm, acrylic on canvas
When I drink 150x100cm acrylic on canvas
FUZZYFAWN , 80x80cm , acrylic on canvas
The sun, the sun 150x100cm acrylic on canvas
Catch! , 50x40cm , acrylic on canvas
The very thought of it , 50x40cm. , acrylic on canvas